The average house price on BODINGTON AVENUE is £773,102
The most expensive house in the street is 9 BODINGTON AVENUE with an estimated value of £924,827
The cheapest house in the street is 1 BODINGTON AVENUE with an estimated value of £671,057
The house which was most recently sold was 7 BODINGTON AVENUE, this sold on 20 Dec 2018 for £599,995
The postcode for BODINGTON AVENUE is LS16 8FA
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 BODINGTON AVENUE Detached , 176 m2 £671,057 £539,995 19 Dec 2018
3 BODINGTON AVENUE Detached , 176 m2 £676,695 £539,995 28 Jun 2018
5 BODINGTON AVENUE Detached , 246 m2 £847,315 £679,995 31 Aug 2018
7 BODINGTON AVENUE Detached , 224 m2 £745,620 £599,995 20 Dec 2018
9 BODINGTON AVENUE Detached , 261 m2 £924,827 £744,995 23 Nov 2018